Abraded Culet

Abraded Culet

a·br​a·​ded cu·​let | ə-ˈbrād kyü-lət


A chipped or scratched culet

In many cases, this abrasion is caused by contact with another diamond. The sharp point at the bottom of the diamond may become damaged and worn away with wear. The culet is considered the most vulnerable segment of the diamond, which is why it is imperative to hold it in a protective setting to reduce the risk. An abraded culet may appear blurred under magnification and affect the polish grade of a diamond. In the past, immense or large culets were a common feature of a diamond. Today, immense culets are deemed unappealing as a culet provides a supplementary facet at the segment of the diamond where light may escape, diminishing the stone’s overall beauty. The culet is described according to its size. The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) uses an 8-grade system to rate culets, ranging from none to extremely large.



在許多情況下,這種磨損是由與另一顆鑽石接觸引起的。 鑽石底部的尖端可能會因磨損而損壞和磨損。 尖底被認為是鑽石中最脆弱的部分,這就是為什麼必須將其保存在保護性設置中以降低風險的原因。 磨損的尖底在放大鏡下可能會顯得模糊,並影響鑽石的拋光等級。 過去,巨大或大底尖是鑽石的共同特徵。 今天,巨大的尖底被認為沒有吸引力,因為尖底在鑽石的一部分提供了一個補充刻面,光線可能會逸出,從而削弱了鑽石的整體美感。 尖底是根據它的大小來描述的。 美國寶石學院 (GIA) 使用 8 級系統對尖底進行評級,範圍從無到極大。